Thursday, August 4, 2011

Last text post was July 31st, it's now August 4th

And Cassie has survived her visitors! Yes, I think of it as survived. They left today around noon and she spent the rest of the day, till around 6pm, exhausted and sleeping. Maxine took her outside at one point to go to the bathroom and she laid down on the grass -- something Cassie had never done before and Ally did the day we had to take her to the emergency room.

Cassie snapped at the kids 5-6 times while they were here. I don't feel good about that. She's always been great around kids, and the younger the better. But no longer. The 2 1/2 year old leaves pretty much afraid of Cassie. The 5 and the 13 year old understand things, but still. If Cassie's situation were anything "other than a brain tumor", I'd be a LOT less tolerant of the behaviour. Instead, I'm looking and the calendar and know that there is no other occasion on our calendar, in any scenario of Cassie's lifespan, where she will have to deal with people on this level again.

Cassie barked at me 3-4 times while they were here. So, I'm also worried that either she was simply confused in the commotion, or has had some amount of brain damage. Not really so good in either case.

Maxine had her doubts about Cassie's life today, but, as usual the dog surprises us with her "I'm not dead yet" attitude...

Tomorrow tests to see if we've knocked out the bladder infection. She still leaks some, especially if we aren't somewhat rigorous in keeping her to an "out" schedule, but we're reluctant to add new meds to her life. She gets pills 4x/day at this point.

Not trying to jinx things, but Monday night (past) marked 21 days since her last seizure, and it's now Thursday. That's the longest stretch since the start of May, at the least...

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